PRC offers Vacuum based Leakage Testing system for accurate and fast detection of vacuum leakage in the component. Leakage detection, in conjunction with vacuum technology, enables even the smallest leaks to be quickly identified and localized. PRC has manufactured & supplied no. of leakage testing machines over the period of time to many major giants from automobile component manufacturing sector keeping in view customers satisfaction as the chief objective.
Vacuum Leakage Testing is a proven technology and fixture designs ensure production and quality efficiencies. The systems are designed ergonomically for easy operation. Leak Detector controls testing cycle test results are automated for collection and analysis on a customer database.
Working Principle:
It operates on principle that any vacuum charged component if leaky will exhibit vacuum drop with reference to time. The vacuum drop in Test Part is sensed by precision vacuum transducer and compared with preset permissible value, to provide GO-NO GO sorting with visual indication.